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Workshop #4

How to Translate Your Report into a Management Recommendation

Learning objectives

After training diagnostics in the previous workshops, it is now time to provide optimal management recommendations! This workshop offers you efficient strategies and comprehensive practical knowledge. Here is our joint agenda includes:


  • What management strategies are available?
  • When should each strategy be preferred?
  • What are the do’s and don’ts I need to know?

Case-Based Training:

  • Independent assessment and discussion of clinical cases covering the entire spectrum of breast imaging practice.

Special Focus: BI-RADS 3:

  • When should I choose BI-RADS 3 and when should I not?
  • Through carefully curated cases, we will demonstrate the optimal use of the BI-RADS 3 category and share expert tips from practice.

Interactive Discussion:

  • Exchange on your approaches in clinical management.
  • Address all your questions on the topic.